World Of Tanks In A Nutshell

World of Tanks is a game where players take control of WWII era tanks and drive them around an open battlefield. There are four game modes available: team deathmatch, random battles, team battles, and strongholds. In team deathmatch, players compete to see who can get the most kills. Random battles is a mode where playersContinue reading World Of Tanks In A Nutshell

World of Tanks Strategies- A collection

I never pretend to be a very good player of World of Tanks. In respect to win ratio, I am under average. I don’t also pretend to flawlessly follow all the following strategies. I have just found them beneficial. When I apply them, they work. All I hope is they assist beginners and other mediumContinue reading World of Tanks Strategies- A collection

How to display World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence

World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence is something some players utilize to show how good they can be with specific tanks or with all of them. With the advent of ranked battles and now wargaming announcing the new epic random battles, one question come in mind is what will happen to the marks of excellenceContinue reading “How to display World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence”

World Of Tanks Game In A Nutshell

World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game set in the mid-20th century, which has the player assume the role of a military commander. The player must be careful with their resources and army, as it can take weeks to train a new tank crew or replace a lost tank. The player can earnContinue reading “World Of Tanks Game In A Nutshell”

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